Kamis, 05 April 2012

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Good morning everybody .

First of all, i would like to say thanks to God the Almighty who has given a blessing tu us. The second i also would like to say thanks to Miss Juna our lecturer for giving me the opportunity to deliver my speech.

 The title of my speech is about the importance of mastering English.

Of course we all already know what is the use and benefit of the English language. English is the language that is universally used for communication.
to go abroad ,  we must speak in English , and language of today's computers also use English. There is a saying , “ if  you can speak English, you will be able to control the world so easily “.
However, there are still many people who can not speak English. The main reason is they are lazy to learn English because it is not used in their daily lives.
The purpose of study the English language is as stock when we will all go in the life of globalization. Each person must wrestle in a globalized world if it wants to grow and not running in place, because in my opinion, mastering English is good fortune. By mastering the English language, we can communicate further, so that the insights in information technology will be more open and it certainly has had an IT capital to step in the advancement of the technology world is always moving forward.

If you want to know how to quickly learn and master the English language itself properly without having to join the institute courses / English lessons that can be costly, takes time, and sometimes the results are still not satisfied? Follow the tips below carefully.

1.    Establish your intention and determination to master the English language. If there is already a strong will, then the next step will be easier.

2.    then Learn how to pronounce the English alphabet from a to z, numbers, words and basic phrases in English such as: I, you, them, us, him, there, who, why, where, what are you, well, congratulations, etc.. It can be learned from books in English anywhere, not necessarily an expensive book (now children should have learned it in school). It's great if you could learn from the internet by utilizing search engine google.

3.   The most important part of a language is vocabulary. You can set how many targets have to memorize the new vocabulary of English in one day. You can use the English dictionary books or the Internet. you should memorize how to write these words, as well as how to pronounce it right. To find the correct pronunciation of a word you can hear it directly from the internet, usually from the English dictionary sites. But for a beginner you can use it to listen to the pronunciation by clicking on the image like a trumpet shape after you enter a keyword to search the meaning. Another alternative is a site which is the site kamus.net english online dictionary - Indonesia. There, in addition to getting the word in Indonesian, you can also hear the pronunciation of the word. But the drawback is less complete website (although subject to further improvement over time).

4.    Learn English grammar, even though according to you, you have a lot of vocabulary, but try to make your growing vocabulary. You can use any book at first. Learn with regular, industrious, and continuous. Do not be afraid if there are some grammar that makes you confused. No problem, the important basic things you can control such as construct a sentence that is true in the context of the present tense, past, future, that has happened, and so forth. you can learn it gradually.

5.   Many read the articles or written English such as the Internet, newspapers / magazines in English, English books, etc.. Although only one-third or one-tenth paragraph you can, no problem. Do not be afraid! You are still in the learning stage. By reading the English language, you will be able to increase your vocabulary is by marking a word not understood then find out its meaning.

6.   To train your hearing to hear the English language, you can use English songs, listen and compare it with the song lyric that can be obtained from the internet. Or you can also watch movies in English without notice or by eliminating the Indonesian language text.

7.    Practice speaking English, either directly or mentally. Learn a language without practice it will be difficult. Find a friend with whom you can practice conversation in English. You can also talk to yourself or think using English sentences. Better yet, if you ever tried chatting with a stranger or acquaintance who speak English so you can practice what has been studied directly.

8.   Do not ever give up because it takes time to learn the language. No one could immediately once proficient in English. Need a process that could take many years to get to the stage to communicate well in English. So, start making it faster from now you will be able to learn the English

9.   Be brave and do not be shy! English is not your native language. Others (western / Caucasian) would understand it, and would never mock you if any say. You need to know a lot of people who can not speak English well and fluently still desperate to go to a foreign country who speak English, and they almost never really made fun with language skills are mediocre. In fact, in the end they with sincerity of heart and courage to be able to speak English fluently.

This may be useful to you. hopefully, you, me and all of us can quickly able to speak English.

Thus is my speech.
for your attention, I say thank you and good morning.

Written by  : EzhraLibra